Thursday, March 1, 2018

The excitement of spending money on things we don't have the money for,

but need. Assuming all goes without hitch tomorrow, I will be buying an air purifier for my apartment for 50,000 won! That's about 1/3-1/4 what I'd pay in the store for a new one, MINIMUM. If I was lucky. Filters are 40,000 won on gmarket (Korea's amazon), & it needs a new one.

I have, as usual, just under 200,000 won to last me about 2 more weeks. I have plenty of meat & eggs, which tend to be the most expensive items of food for me, so just need to keep up on veggies. I'd usually buy about 2 lb of chicken legs or breasts to cook in the oven on Tuesdays & have those for dinner after work & for post-workout protein, but I can use Costco meat for that for the next week or so too.

I've wanted to get one for a while, because even with my windows never ever opening, the air quality outside becomes what you have inside, & I ridiculously only realized this year that working out when the pollution's bad is bad (though I THINK inside is still better than outside by a bit, so it's definitely contraindicated to workout outside at all on high pollution days, but less so inside). We're heading into spring, the worst season for pollution. So given all of the info I've gotten (again, from my students' journals!) about not working out when the pollution's bad, I knew I had to do SOMETHING so I wouldn't have to skip.

People in a clean air group here have actually posted videos of themselves on how to MAKE an air purifier, which I was totally going to do, except that I couldn't get most of the supplies I needed at Lotte Mart, so was going to have to order from gmarket or something, which I'm still surprisingly lazy about. Not to mention that I'd actually have to BUILD it, which, really, is a little questionable, no matter how important, because there's really no time during the week, & on the weekends, when it's choosing between reading/watching netflix or building the purifiers, sadly, the former will always win. The one I'm buying is a good one & big enough to take care of my loft apartment. YES, I'm rather concerned about how heavy it is-- not quite sure about how able I'll be to get it to the train, etc, on my own. But having clean air in my apartment & never having to worry about working out due to the shitty air will be really fantastic. Even if that smegger is too heavy for me, which, eep.

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