Thursday, June 28, 2018

The news made me almost too depressed to write,

but I've been meaning to update for the public record for a while.

Interestingly, thanks to Jason (of course) & somewhat surprisingly mom's take on what happened with the whole drunk texting the guy I was seeing, they seemed to think he wasn't all that interested & it wouldn't have gone anywhere anyway. Such sound reasoning I felt they were absolutely right & that was extremely helpful in getting me to move on.

& while I was sure I didn't really have an alcohol problem as in alcoholism, I still wanted to make sure I wasn't just in denial, which mom helped with too (having been married to one, I trusted her to confirm my own thoughts). Still sticking to the no alcohol, & then what the hell, threw sugar in there too so I'm now doing the Whole 30 again. I'm not strict because ANY added sugar is forbidden, like the kind in cured bacon. I don't have access to uncured here, so I'm not worrying about that. Otherwise, I'm 2 weeks into Whole 30, & it hasn't been as bad as I thought. Not drinking I knew wouldn't be a problem, & of course it hasn't, no temptations to break it even when I go out with friends.The sugar part I was more worried about, but since you can have fruit (turns out in moderation, which not sure last weekend completely qualified as), that hasn't been bad, either. I ended up finally breaking down & buying a blender, so fruit smoothies is my new thing. I'm doing 2 months because I also don't want my body to completely adjust to no alcohol & start freaking out when I reintroduce it.

The only real hitch in everything has been the SEVERE breakout of my skin. It really started just before that drunken Saturday, but it went into HYPER DRIVE that week. @ first I wondered if the alcohol, contrary to rosacea law, was actually helping CONTROL my rosacea. But then I was investigating some herbal recommendations for SIBO which you may recall just keeps recurring, & I read about the Herxheimer Reaction, when your symptoms get worse before they get better. Or as most would put it, the body detoxing. Honestly, I can't believe I drank THAT much (or that I came close to having THAT MUCH sugar) that my body would freak out by their removal, but that's my thinking. I saw my doctor last week & she just said, "You need to see a dermatologist," but I decided to wait it out & see if it's that reaction, rather than something else. Besides, they're just likely to throw more antibiotics at it, which I don't want & was getting less effective anyway before I stopped going to see them because going paleo worked so well. Of course it's rainy season so the air's been a bit cleaner here or there-- funnily enough, even with my air purifier never being turned off, my skin seems to sense the AQI is good & just calms down. I so can't wait to not deal with this shit anymore.

The other update is I decided to wait on getting certified to teach in the US, & go get my Masters in Europe first. I'd hope to start by winter 2019/2020, so pretty quickly after leaving Korea next June. Despite my big reservations about it, Germany's still in there, though I wrote to a good university in Spain & got information on their program. The only problem with that one is, it's only 60 hours, when most are 120. Not sure if that would be as helpful. Plus French & German universities have stronger reputations. But still investigating options. Need to narrow down the country first. I really just wanted to get there before I got even older, & also because as so many expats here say, I have ZERO intention of returning to the US as long as that horrid, repugnant orange imbecile is still in power. Though now that Kennedy has retired so Trump can put his second Supreme Court nominee in there, fuck the US, it's fucking over. If they get a chance to overturn Roe v Wade, I'll renounce my citizenship to that sinking ship in whatever way I can.

So that's where things stand now. That & I'm thinking of using whatever pitiful money I have left each month to just spend on some plane tickets so I can get to one or 2 more places here before I leave. There's a whole other thing with immigration slightly stressing me out, but can't do anything about it really now, so that'll wait. We'll see how things turn out.

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