Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Being careful what I wish for & other irritations

Today truly sucked because I had to get up early (for me), rush out the door & do the 1.3 hour trip to immigration & pay a fine because I faxed over my new passport info ONE DAY LATE. They called Sue, my boss, & she told me to go, no need for an appointment, go to the 2nd floor (everything else I've done there is always the first floor). So, I get there @ 11:30, not realizing lunch is @ 12 (my doctors have theirs at one, so one can't always predict these things, & it's not like it's info posted easily to see online, if at all). I get there, not sure if I need visa or nationality, since those & permanent residence are my options (fuck that shit I am NOT staying here forever!). While I'm waiting for my number, probably a good 10 minutes go by, & this Korean woman asks what I'm there for. I show her in my translator, & she points me around the corner. When I go in, the guy at a counter tells me downstairs.

Pissed, down I go, where I'm told to go make a copy & get it to this guy, fast. I do, as it's 5 to 12 & I find out that 12 is lunch time. He gives me a number & tells me to look for the number after 1 PM. WRONG, I have to get back to work, I planned on leaving at 12:30 to do so. Naturally, I can't just pay the $100 there & then, no, it must be done after lunch, or before by time travel. So I have the unmitigated pleasure of going back this week. Given that I also have to go to the doctor, go to the bank, AND get in to see the orthopedic now that I've been paid again, I was rather pissed off. & exhausted from the early trip that I wasted & must do again.

I decide to buy coffee for coworkers so that maybe brightening their day will brighten & improve mine. Work goes fine-- I even got forced into finishing signing up for & ordering stuff on coupang, a grocery/amazon type site that is ALL in Korean. I order my new air purifier filter from gmarket too, & head home to the nearby ATM where I can transfer the money to coupang & gmarket for the orders, respectively.

Only to get there, check my email messages, & there's nothing about the amount & bank account to transfer money to coupang. I also don't have the app on my phone. I install it, & the total now listed is less than it was, & there's a 1 on my cart. There's a bunch of Korean gobbledy-gook, followed by the number 0. I'm guessing that it decided AFTER telling me the original total & bank info (you need a minimum for half the shit on coupang, honestly while it may be cheaper it's massively more inconvenient) that they were actually out of one of the items, so I can't get or pay for that order yet, since it's yet again incomplete. I go in to pay for my gmarket order, only to find that YET AGAIN, our ATM is out of order. SOOO I can't pay for that yet, either. Guess I'll have to do it from the ATM @ the bank tomorrow when I do my monthly money transfer for school loans & debt repayment.

The other irritant is from getting what I wanted, namely, a more active paleo facebook group. It's international but of course pretty much all people in Western, English-speaking countries, but I can get recipes & stuff. But I also get REMARKABLY STUPID fuckers posting.

People have posted pride in being BRAVE by buying bok choy-- but what do you do with it? REALLY? You've never used or seen or eaten bok choy? Seriously? & this is another actual post: how do you pronounce paleo? Because THIS fucking miracle of a person always pronounced it pay-lay-oh. WHO THE FUCK SAYS IT THAT WAY? Who is taking a risk by purchasing fucking BOK CHOY??? Flaunting their stupidity & not getting called out for being asshats really hurts my head.

Could have saved my money today too: it's Teacher's Day in Korea, & one of the moms bought all of us teachers coffee! So I had 2 servings, & then didn't want to eat dinner, lol.

My knee was bothering me yesterday while I was doing a chattaranga hold, & has remained swollen & hurts when I go to bed, etc., so back to not working out my legs, & hopefully will get an answer next week without having to pay too much, which is any amount thanks to my super special diet. Always such good things to report!

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