It started as recently as last night, when I was looking for an arm & ab/core workout since I didn't feel like doing my usual one. I found a video by a girl who I now have in my regular rotation (and not the one I didn't want to do last night). In the introduction, she said that everyone has those things they don't like doing and/or aren't good at, so they skip them. For her, they're push-ups-- even though she can do them, she doesn't like doing them, & never does them.
My reaction: YOU CAN DO THAT?! You can just skip the shit you hate doing because it's too hard/you're not good at it, don't like it, whatever?! That's POSSIBLE? That's doable? & this fitness instructor skips shit?!
I always remembered Tony Horton say during P90X to do the things you're bad at. I felt pretty bad at all of plyometrics, pull-ups, etc., but since I was doing the videos, I just did what they did. It never once occurred to me, even when he admonished people to do that, that people could do that. There was even a big thing on people skipping the yoga day because the (mainly men) weren't familiar with it, weren't good at it, etc. I remember thinking it was idiotic for them to skip that, especially since it was only one day of the week & I definitely find yoga to be indispensable.
I hate pull-ups because I've just never been able to do them, & to make matters possibly worse, I can't even work on them without a gym because once you leave the US, you will find far fewer doors in your home, and weirdly not one doorway will have a lintel &/or will be in a corner, so you can't use those doorway pull-up bars. But when I did P90X, I did the stupid modifications even though I barely got better & never really got close to doing one.
I despise doing one leg squats, especially because I suck at them. I've been doing them because I have pistol squats as a goal. & I've been pondering how the hell to cut leg day from the 1.5 hours it is now. Leaving out those, or any of the other extras I do were unthinkable, even though especially recently they make me angry & frustrated because progress is SOOOO slow & gradual. But if this fitness chick can skip stuff solely because she doesn't like them, why the HELL can't I??! Why did I never consider this as an option before??
So now, fuck those, I'm not doing them anymore, or not until I've built up enough leg strength that it isn't such a long, slow, upward battle that I do kicking & screaming (metaphorically, though not-infrequently literally as well). I can skip all the special shit that I hate doing & work on balance & strength & flexibility more and through other ways, & not hate everything about a particular exercise anymore. Because that is a thing. Every second of life doesn't actually have to be a battle I'm constantly fighting against myself, as I realized now that long ago on this blog that I so often do. I'm opting the fuck out of that shit, because it's a thing you can actually do! Not doing something because you don't like it & aren't good at is an option! Initially I was actually upset because she was skipping stuff she hated & I wasn't. & at first it didn't even occur to me that I could do that too. But now that I realized that doing that is absolutely an option, I'm soooo fucking doing it! I going to do the not-doing-something-anymore because I don't like it & I'm not good at it. I'm so thrilled. What other shit can I stop doing?!
love it. it was mark teaching me this through giving up pig. which was like a triple blamo for me. but ya - life's short. fuck it. u were given a rock star lifting genes. i'm just gunna go head and blame the disease and medication for your workout issues. though bill says u use your shoulders wrong so thats why you cant do pullups. ty is mad he cant do pushups - keep forgetting to add that to our days so he gets better...
ReplyDeleteWhat are rock star lifting genes? Funny you say that, because I'm STILL slightly hypo & doc doesn't really know why, so still fucking around with dosage & other vitamins to see if that helps. She asked how I'd been feeling given my hypo state, but I can't tell. But maybe you're right, & I get nowhere fast because my levels are still off. Though I'm now up to 20 tricep dips in 20 seconds, 4 rounds each, which is up by 1-3 from a few months ago.