Thursday, January 25, 2018

I found my limit.

My limit is waking up to the hot water pipes frozen this morning. This is AFTER leaving the hot water running all Wednesday night & all day yesterday. They froze in about 7-8 hours. The cold water works fine!

So, that's it. I am now leaving when my contract ends in July. I can't take this 3rd world shit hole. I think there has to be a new problem in the building. NOT. ONCE. did my pipes freeze at all last winter. Twice now in a month is too much. I have the heater going on under the sink while I'm here at work. I now think it had nothing to do with the heater last time so much as the temp going up to about 40. It won't get above freezing until Wednesday at the earliest, so I'm not counting on having hot water again until then.

I had the heat on, I kept the cabinet open, kept the sink running & often at a pretty good stream, but it still fucking froze. These buildings were ALL built in the 80s & 90s, by the way. They just didn't insulate them or the pipes because they're lazy, illogical, backwards fucktards.

So more than likely, not sure how the whole plan I had is going to work since I'll almost certainly have to leave the debt repayment program, as even I can get a remote job in time (which I'm starting to work on), there's no way I'll be able to send off $410 each month there until next fall.

I'll have $2500 less from the pension too. All of this sucks far more than I can convey & I'm not sure now if I can do what I planned since getting loans to help with grad school in Europe, even the little it would require, is likely out, never mind the mind-bending loans I'd have to take out for the $25K teacher certification. So I'll likely have to give up on Europe. I hate this place far more than I can say, for making everything so impossible. But that's where we are.

I hope they reunify under Kim, they should go back to living 100% like the backward fuck show this place is.


  1. seriously... you cant type that shit.
    sucks you did everything and still frozen. makes me think there are some empty units affecting your efforts. i also dont think its fair to judge the whole country because you live in a shithole. usa sucks too if you live in substandard housing with poor access to transportation.
    take a breath, get a boob job, marry a really old guy and wait a year or 2... easy peasy lizard squeezie. :*

    1. It IS affecting the whole place-- they had/have no building standards, this is common practice that half the country has to do this because they built these places quickly but not well. I didn't even realize the US had standard sizes for steps until I came here & in the same building they can be completely different, but none of them at a good depth/height.

      The air is visible & partially solid. Half expats have hair &/or skin &/or sinus problems because of the total lack of standards. Logic simply does not exist here. Ask anyone, even people who love it here will agree there's none to be found.

      But yes, the main sticking point for my not going back, aside from what is mentioned above, is that I won't have access to medications there bc the US is worse than third world when it comes to healthcare. But otherwise? I meant every word of it. People just accept that stupid, shitty shit that is only that way here bc people still have that third world I-don't-want-to-do-it, therefore-I'll-tell-you-it's-impossible, or because they're still stuck on '93 Internet Explorer, or any number of this-issue-was-resolved-everywhere-else-20-years-ago.
