Saturday, December 9, 2017

So, here I am,

face broken out AGAIN because of whatever is in the supplements they doctor gave me because my test showed I was short on them. I stopped taking the fiber supplement, thinking it MUST be a grain, but the psyllium husk, which is what mine is, is from a shrub, and the granules are made from the husk of that.

I started breaking out slightly last week. But then came the Xmas party. You know, the one where they'd have paleo options for me. Wellllll, sort of. She DID have turkey, but with cranberry sauce (some with citrus, some without, which is a big trigger for me), IN BUNS. With wheat it's in for a penny, in for a pound. So even picking the filling off the bread was useless really, though I kept doing that.

The other problem was the veggies: roasted squash (fine) with bell peppers (NOT fine). I knew I'd break out from that, but hopefully not too badly.

Tuesday I went back to the doctor to do the second week in the SIBO course (there are 2), & she decided to up my fiber to twice/day, plus gave me these big chewables of L-Carnitine, which taste (& smell) fishy but are flavored with mint, also twice/day.

So I was anticipating a breakout from the Xmas party fare, but Wednesday after the workout it went from a few of the painful pustules to red, scaly skin on the forehead, redness on the chin with more pustules, plus a little redness next to either nostril, all of which slightly burns. Annnnd, it still hasn't cleared up much. I had 2 turmeric milks & used the raw honey & turmeric masks Thurs, both of which really help with inflammation, but didn't yesterday so while it was a little better on Friday, today (Saturday) not so much. So, maybe it was/is the L-carnitine + the peppers & wheat & citrus? Because that shit makes a good mess of my skin, takes a couple days to show up (though not nearly a week), & then takes weeks to clear up.

The other issue is that from what I've read online about SIBO, I'd have to stop eating broccoli, & a bunch of other stuff, no dairy... given how restricted my diet already is, that's seriously too much. I had zucchini this week, which is fine, & carrots, which are too, but God. & THEN online they say SIBO almost always comes back, & it sounds rather like a no-win battle. So why the hell am I even doing this?? Well, I didn't know that until I looked online. & this is from Dr. Josh Axe's site, not a all-these-doctors-agree thing.

Sooo, this is sucking. Why is health so hard here, as well as everything else?

To make matters worse, I'm really out of money because I needed a winter coat & new hat, then got a sweater, so that's an extra $150 I was out of. Plus Costco cost more since I had to pay the membership. Hence, I have around $20-$30 to get me to Thursday. & that, I believe, is when they deduct my public transport usage (though maybe it's my phone, too). Sooooo, such good times.

In other news? Hmmm, not sure that there really IS much other news. OH! Well one bit of good news. As background, I skipped my workouts Tuesday & Thursday, Tuesday b/c I got NO sleep & had to be up early for the doc, Thursday b/c my skin broke out & I hoped that skipping would help, but those are leg days, & I'm rehabbing my weak right quad, so I do twice the workout on that leg, minus HIIT, so the workouts take 1.5 hours. I'm focusing on improving my balance & flexibility too, so Friday I did my 9 minute balance workout, then another 10 minute yoga balance video, followed by a 25 minute one for strength & flexibility (my legs were really tight yesterday too). Then, just to help ameliorate my slight unhappiness about skipping 2 days, I did the 30 minute HIIT yoga video that I used to do after HIIT, that was always rather hard. & this time (I guess because no HIIT preceding it? that or I HAVE improved!), it was a good challenge, but nowhere near as hard as it always was.

Just in case you're interested/want to try it, I'll post it below. Good for strength, balance, & flexibility, though you've got to be pretty experienced with yoga to follow her speed. & I finished it all up with a 15 yoga leg stretch I do after my leg workouts. So, I'm hoping I've actually just made some improvements in my strength & endurance, though I suppose the absence of HIIT is what really helped, lol.

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