Friday, December 22, 2017

Bleach burns, breakouts, & sleep-deprived days

It's the day before I head home for Xmas vacation. I've been SOOOO damned excited, & waiting very impatiently for it to be today. Though the excitement is also combined with my usual anxiety about international flights-- namely, I worry about missing them. This worry is slightly more complicated because Korea's public transportation doesn't run 24/7, even to the airport, so worrying that I'll be able to catch a bus to get to the train station OR take some buses (or mostly likely a cab) 2 metro stops away because that's where the airport shuttle is to get me there in time.

This was SOMEWHAT allayed by people saying that Gimpo is SO small & not busy compared to Incheon that you really only need arrive 25-30 minutes before your international flight! Naturally though, I still worry, what if this time is the exception? But more than that, it's been everyone trying to get me to take the airport shuttle, instead of taking 2 metro trains. The shuttle ride only takes 45 minutes to the train's 90.

No, it's that the shuttle buses go first to Gimpo, then on to Incheon, & come from a big suburb S of us, so everyone said to buy a ticket, you need to get there at least an hour before you need to leave, because that's when the tickets sell out, & you don't want to have to wait another 15-30 minutes or whenever the next one leaves/has tickets still available. I've gone back & forth, but am determining it'll take the same amount of time including waiting in lines to buy tickets & running with the crowd to get on the bus, only to probably have to stand the whole way anyway. At least 1/2 my metro trip I should have no issue getting a seat, & won't have to deal with trying to buy an extra ticket. Not to mention I'm SUPER short on money now with the holidays, so paying an extra 6,000-9,000 won isn't ideal. Still, I worry.

Which means, every night I lay in bed either anxious or super excited, & can't sleep. Even with melatonin, it's a struggle. & then, every morning just this week, I wake up @ 9 to go to the bathroom, then can't sleep again for another hour, so I've only just gotten back to sleep for maybe an hour or so when the alarm goes off. As a result, I'm really tired tonight, but still have to workout, pack, shower, & then try to get A LITTLE sleep before I get up to leave. Thankfully, I've been able to scoot wake up time from 4:30 to before 6 so I can ideally be at the train station just before 6 to catch the train. & I can't sleep on planes. Soooooo, I'll be a SUPER DUPER sleep deprived mess!

All of this has resulted in a big old breakout (though I suppose it COULD be the cream that was in my lunch this week, it'd be the first time I've had an issue with milk. Not discounting it, but seems less likely given that I reintroduced dairy months ago & it has been fine since then.) Now my hands are in slightly bad shape too because last night I cleaned. I always clean very thoroughly before a trip abroad so when I come home, everything's clean & nice. My place was trashed, because I put it off knowing I'd be doing it last night. Maybe that's why I got my first-ever bleach burns. I did spend 3 hours cleaning the tiny kitchen surfaces & entire small bathroom. I always clean with bleach & baking soda, but last night I guess it was a bit too much. Maybe because it's winter too.

Here's hoping ALL of this starts clearing up, healing, & preventing my sleep asap. Because I intend to enjoy every second I'm home & not here!

1 comment:

  1. Huh, I always clean with baking soda and bleach or vinegar, too. And yes, I have the same super dry hands to show for it in the winter.
