That's really all there is to it, because the internet clearly finds it odd that I have this injury, as it keeps telling me that my being a runner makes me so susceptible to it. Shin splits, pecifically & only on my left. It is PAAAAAAINFUL as a motherfucker. I didn't even DO my HIIT workout this week!
Apparently, aside from running, I could have incurred mine from inadequate shoe support, which makes a LITTLE sense since I've been doing my plyo/HIIT workouts barefoot. It's only twice/week! In any event, that's what I suspect did it. HOW that could have done it when I do some yoga stretching everyday, including down dog, and my calves have NEVER felt tight, the left one is just SOO pissed off.
It started Thursday. I feel it mainly when I'm walking. Funny: it says walking is good exercise for it, but every step hurts. Today the 10 minute walk to the bus stop almost had me limping. I saw that some shin splints are from fractures. I cannot FATHOM how I could have done THAT, but I'm thinking next week when I go see a doctor (my ENT guy's office was dramatically closed last Tuesday until this Tuesday, because he was guilty of a car accident... ?!?! God I hope the guy's ok, but wtf happened that he's out for a week due to guilt?) that maybe I'll see if GP can determine if it's that or will respond to stretching.
ALSO funny that yesterday after walking home from work, 35 minutes or so, this 12 or so minute yoga sequence for shin splints felt rather good on it, but today, it was torture.
The only other news is I was a bit duped by a student. Bill is a good kid, he was absent a bit, failed many vocabulary tests, but did ok in the book. Friday when I had them checking all of their unfinished workbook homework, Bill said that he unaccountably found a new, blank workbook in his book bag, which of course isn't his because nothing is done.
Welllll, ok, actually, I didn't so much believe him as express momentary surprise & tell him to look very carefully at home for his real one, since he has to complete the missing parts for homework. So I just kept telling him to look carefully because it's not going to be fun to have to do all twelve units this weekend, but mostly I was just trying to keep a lid on the otherwise slightly crazy class.
I hadn't given much thought to it's probability until I came to the teacher's lounge after class to tell his Korean homeroom teacher, and Dylan walked in & burst out laughing about what tremendous bull shit THAT was. Ahhhh, yes, it is, I thought then. Poor Bill. What a long weekend.
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