Saturday, May 14, 2016

It only took 5 months or so

before I realized that the the previous teacher's departing gift of face masks should probably be taken up, especially with the awful coughing and nasal issues I was having from the pollution. Ever since I started wearing one around the end of April, the cough is pretty much long gone, as are the nasal issues. But now this is what I look like when I'm outside. I look like a bug.

I thought of posting a pic on facebook, but quite frankly, I look a bit terrifying. Kristin, be careful that the boys (or at least Dayton & Lee) don't see this picture. It'll definitely scare them, and there's always the chance Dayton will begin calling me bug or alien poop. Lol


  1. ::obligatory 'you look great these days' joke::

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. bitch, i love those sunglasses.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Mark, don't I know it. Kris, I know, I'm SORRY, I needed a pair. Think of them as a pair of cut-off jean shorts that *I* had cut, but you brazenly claimed were yours. EVEN WHEN I BROUGHT THE CUT OFF LEGS. Lol

  6. Dayton smiled when I showed him. I asked if he knew who it was, aunt Jenny. What does she look like? A ninja. What should I tell her? She's a nindroid.

  7. OMG. THIS is why my nephews are the greatest. Please tell Day that since coming to Korea, I have trained to become a ninja.
