Sitting here at Starbucks, my pants fluttered due to the goddamned pigeons & I realized, OH MY GOD! I haven't bitched about the fucking pigeons!
They are so unconcerned about people that they can't even see them anymore. They will fly RIGHT over your head. They would probably settle down on my shoes & try to build a nest if I don't shoo them anyway. They are kamikaze demons that leave you ducking & screaming. Not that the Santiagoans notice. Maybe the pigeons only fly at gringas?
I debated on adding this one, because this is my issue everywhere I go. But there are 2 things about Sanatiagoans that has me grinding my teeth all day, every day. It is their COMPLETE & UTTER ABILITY to walk in a straight line, and to move so slowly as to practically cease to move at all. My mind boggles at how SLLLOOOOOWWWWWWWLLLLLYthey amble. They amble everywhere. They amble when you're going down to the train platform & hear a train coming. I am SO curious as to what could ever get these people to show ANY sense of urgency in getting... anywhere. And they amble in pairs or groups, so you are doomed to getting stuck behind them repeatedly.
And these groupings or pairings CANNOT WALK IN A STRAIGHT LINE. They will cover the whole sidewalk, zigging & zagging their SLOOOOOOWWW way to wherever they're going. They actually have an inborn sense that someone is behind them, & that is when their aimless meandering is worst. But what's ODD is that, it's not done with malice. The Chileans simply don't have enough malice in them to do this just to piss off the people behind them. Maybe it's an evolutionary development limited to here.
Along with walking slowly... well, they do everything slowly except talk. But, going to a very understaffed Jewel in Chicago, I thought I'd seen slowly moving grocery store lines. Ha. HAHAHAHHAAHA. You know how there are 12 registers but only 2-3 people running them? Yeah, same here, except you must add on several seconds to each tiny movement any person here makes. So that person with 3 items? You'll wait 10 minutes for them to be done, if there aren't any complications. But, when aren't there complications?
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