Wednesday, November 8, 2017

It has come to this.

Notice I don’t mean this is my actual PLAN, but I am currently investigating UAE as my next location after this contract. While I love my students and, excepting that idiot teacher Yuna, my school, the pollution here is taking its toll. We know my diet is maniacally restricted. But I probably haven’t mentioned that it is NORMAL for women in their 20s and early 30s to post about never-before-occurring skin conditions occurring here, like acne & eczema, nor the other common complaint among the same group, of women LOSING THEIR HAIR. That’s what the pollution does here. While I have to continue making more than enough money to live, it'd be SUPER GREAT to not be in a place where the above complaints aren't a constant stream while I'm battling my own health complaints here. Given the lack of alcohol & recognition of about half the world's population as actual humans, nevertheless, if I don't have to fight my skin while fighting other forms of insanity, that'd be GREEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAT.

Here's my skin on one bottle of grapefruit soju:

My skin doesn't react this way to other liquors. & I can't help but wonder if my skin would react this way to everything it does now minus the solids in the air here. It'd be worth it to have a less restrictive diet. Though one year in a country back in Medieval times? I'm wondering if the health vs. mental isn't about even.


  1. UAE?! When is this potentially happening?

    1. I don't think it is; UAE is apparently maniacally competitive, we're talking MA & decades of experience. & I can't afford to even take a month off to get there. But oh! To make money & not be in a place where the city offers free metro rides only on certain lines because LMFAO) due to the pollution. Tomorrow more free rides, to those on those certain lines in Seoul. Despite my construction mask,I'm still breaking out b/c forehead isn't covered, & the air is that shitty here.
