Friday, January 13, 2017

I'm workin' on it, I'm workin' on it..

I have a "real" post coming up, but I had another head-exploding episode here as I watched a video on what N Koreans (who defected) think of S Korea. & what amazed me is how much ignorance & stereotypes they face here. I GUESS on the one hand I kinda get it, but...

They spoke to a man & a woman, & both said that, of course, S Koreans think N Koreans are all poor (though hell, *I* was always taught that too), & so look down on them.

The man said middle & high school students are shocked that they speak the same language (!!!!?), & the woman said a kid asked her what reunification is-- he'd never heard of it & his parents never taught him anything (though my memory is that maybe the kid was young, like 5, so that I could understand).

&, then, my favorite: a N Korean woman was going to meet her fiance's parents for the first time, & the FIRST question she was asked is, "Are you a spy?" Of course, this is pretty insulting, but insulting & super personal questions or statements for us in the West are par for the course here. In fact, what I've now been hearing is that, for Koreans particularly, they think it's very normal & necessary to continually state the obvious. This is usually aimed at telling people that they're fat, for example, or that I have blue eyes... but that's a different discussion for a different time. My main objection to this question is, do they HONESTLY think if a person IS a spy that they'll fucking TELL them?! But it's a commonly-asked question for them, & I can't think of a stupider one. "Are you a N Korean spy?" "Yes, yes I am." Because they don't do sarcasm here, though, the only time they'd get a yes is if they asked me, because your asinine question deserves such an answer. (Side note: I'm teaching my students how to ask questions or give negative responses because they never know to use "to do." We practiced asking "Do you/Are you" questions so they could practice distinguishing, & I answered yes to being Batman, God, and Jesus.)

Sadly though, the N Koreans guy thinks that while he definitely wants reunification, he said now is not the time, it can't be until S Koreans learn a lot more about N Korea, because otherwise the cultural clash would be so great, particularly S Koreans to N, that it would probably tear Korea apart.

I ask AGAIN, WTF do they teach them in school???


  1. yah - u. totally crazy topic. when i was in SK there were anti-american protests at the US councl. because the young people are mad they will have to pay for reunification and blame the US for planning the split with russia and think its our fault etc etc.
    very crazy on every side. you should watch the vice dennis rodman goes to north korea video. crazy stuff.

    laughing at your spy stuff. but i actually love the honesty thing - the other day some school moms posted on fb we were going for a night out if anyone wanted to join, and the sk mom posts: this is very short notice. better/more planning is needed.
    lol love it. she's right. and its funny to point it out. i dont know. i love it.

    but the spy thing. yah. duh.

    1. I find the Korean normalization of commenting bluntly on anything obvious funny at times, yes, but largely rude and idiotic. People who are fat KNOW they're fat. I KNOW I have blue eyes. I KNOW I have skin issues. The idea that everything is everybody's business is obnox
